
Importing SQlite3 to Postgresql minor issue

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I upgraded to the Docker container on my Ubuntu VM tonight and ran across a few simple (but maddening) minor issues when trying to import my sqlite3 db:

  1. isn't in the RaceDB/RaceDB folder. is, and simply copying the file to .py fixes it.

  2. There is a minor typo in RaceDB/ - seems that Python 3.8 fully dropped support for iter, which is on line 37 as iterkeys. Editing the line to say for f in list(fields.keys()): fixes that and allowed the import to complete.

Thanks for the work on this, the containered version is great!

Are you using the docker container or using the old way of setting up RaceDB with postgresql?

If you are using the docker container, there is no need to modify the container contents to import the old SQLite database. How you can import your old data is covered in the documentation. See under the Upgrading from a Non-Container RaceDB.

Importing and exporting data to/from the container has been automated.

This is using the docker container. The SQLite database wouldn't import using the documented method - it was really close but my install just wouldn't do it. Log file is attached, see lines 75-80 for the iterator problem, and line 121 for the error.


Here is the thread where I figured out the dict.iteritems issue: Stack Overflow

Old issue. Closing.