
Error loading nif

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am getting error undefined symbol: _ZNKSt13runtime_error4whatEv'

OTP: 22.2.1

uname -a

Linux ip-10-0-2-155 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.144-3 (2019-02-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux

I compiled this now on fresh ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Installed erlang 22.2.1

other dependencies

apt-get -yq install git curl wget gcc g++ make autoconf automake libexpat1-dev openssl libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libpam0g-dev libyaml-dev libsasl2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev make libyaml-dev build-essential libncurses5-dev libgd-dev libwebp-dev fop xsltproc unixodbc-dev rapidjson-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev

same issue

This is the command to generate the so file

g++ -c -o c_src/exml.o c_src/exml.cpp -std=c++11 -finline-functions -Wall -fPIC -I "/usr/lib/erlang/erts-10.6.2/include" -I "/usr/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.13.1/include" -fPIC 
cc -o priv/ c_src/exml.o  -L "/usr/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.13.1/lib" -lerl_interface -lei   -shared

compiling with gcc gives same result

g++ -c -o c_src/exml.o c_src/exml.cpp -std=c++11 -finline-functions -Wall -fPIC -I "/usr/lib/erlang/erts-10.6.2/include" -I "/usr/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.13.1/include" -fPIC 
gcc -o priv/ c_src/exml.o  -L "/usr/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.13.1/lib" -lerl_interface -lei   -shared

This is an old issue, I don't know if it is still happening to you, but I can compile in all major versions of ubuntu and gcc. See the compile flags given to the port compiler for hints:

[{env, [{"CXXFLAGS", "$CXXFLAGS -O3 -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra"}]}]

Closing as it is quite old, feel free to re-open if you still face this problem.