
Bug: `scope-manager` does not support the `ecmaVersion` option set to "latest."

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments

Which packages are affected?

  • espree
  • eslint-scope
  • eslint-visitor-keys


Node version:
npm version:
ESLint version:
Operating System:

What did you do?

Tried to set the ecmaVersion option to lastest in the scope-manager.

What did you expect to happen?

Since we selected the "latest" option, it should recognize the most recent ECMAScript version and support import declarations.

What actually happened?

Got the below error:


ImportDeclaration should appear when the mode is ES6 and in the module context.

return this.__options.ecmaVersion >= 6;

The above condition becomes false when the ecmaVersion option is set to latest.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example


  • I am willing to submit a pull request for this issue.

Additional comments

In Espree, the ecmaVersion option can be set to "latest" to support the most recent ECMAScript features.

let version = ecmaVersion === "latest" ? getLatestEcmaVersion() : ecmaVersion;

Should we maintain consistent handling and options for ecmaVersion in both Espree and eslint-scope?

This isn't actually a bug because "latest" was never intended to work in eslint-scope. In order to do that, we'd need to keep updating the package, which I don't think is worth the effort. espree already exports latestEcmaVersion that indicates which version "latest" corresponds to. Can you use that?

This isn't actually a bug because "latest" was never intended to work in eslint-scope. In order to do that, we'd need to keep updating the package, which I don't think is worth the effort. espree already exports latestEcmaVersion that indicates which version "latest" corresponds to. Can you use that?

Sure, I'll use espree to determine the "latest" version. Should we update the eslint-scope README file to recommend using espree for obtaining the latest version if the "latest" option is used for ecmaVersion?

Another option is to use the latestEcmaVersion exported by espree directly within eslint-scope to determine the latest version, rather than suggesting users utilize espree separately. If we choose not to update the eslint-scope package, we can ignore it.

Actually, we only care if it's greater than 5, we can do something like eslint did:

We only care if it's greater than 5 right now. We don't know what scope changes might come in the future.

Sure, I'll use espree to determine the "latest" version. Should we update the eslint-scope README file to recommend using espree for obtaining the latest version if the "latest" option is used for ecmaVersion?

I don't think that's necessary. This package is used mostly by us, and for anyone else who's using it, I assume they know what ecmaVersion they want.

Another option is to use the latestEcmaVersion exported by espree directly within eslint-scope to determine the latest version, rather than suggesting users utilize espree separately. If we choose not to update the eslint-scope package, we can ignore it.

That would require that eslint-scope to have a dependency on Espree, which we don't want.

If there's no AI involved, we can close this issue.

Sounds good. And by AI, I think you mean action item rather than artificial intelligence. ๐Ÿ˜„