
Symlinks and sourcing from another file

jsrozner opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the feature that you'd like:
I manage my dotfiles using git in a centralized repo. I want to be able to symlink from my central repo to the obsidian vault, but it looks like this plugin does not support loading symlink?

For example
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.vimrc.obsidian ~/obsidian_vault/.obsidian.vimrc

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

  • I would like .obsidian.vimrc to still work if it is a symlink and not a file

  • Additionally it looks like the command
    source <other file> is not supported from within the obsidian vimrc

If works with a symlink for me. Did you restart Obsidian after creating the symlink?

Sorry for the delay.
I think my symlink setup somehow had a bug. I am not sure exactly why (ln -s would succeed but the alias was immediately broken). It works now!

source <file> does work, but only if the file is in the obsidian vault root. In particular, sourcing a file outside the vault, even using an absolute path, does not work

The line involved is here.
I guess it makes sense we cannot source from outside the vault: how would we read from another file.

Solution is to set up my symlinks to link both files to the vault and then source from within the vault.