
how to apply delete not cut?

remoire opened this issue · 1 comments

i simply wanted for the delete to not getting into the clipboard founded it affect my workflow so much, as for workarounds i've tried these:

nnoremap dd "_dd
nnoremap d "_d

why is it not working? is there some basic principle in obsidian.vimrc that's different of the regular vimrc?

there is discussion about that in the following link (see answers before the linked answer for the discussion) where I suggested a partial solution (that uses another plugin, use at your own risk) that only works for dd while disabling d for anything else that is not mapped in the vimrc file (that is, something like dw would not work anymore but you could just use c instead of d or use ctrl+right then ctrl+backspace in insert mode for that one)).

The link : #106 (comment)