
noremap p "+p and similar are not working

miromannino opened this issue · 1 comments

Please Review Before Posting!

  • I checked that the bug does not happen in the CodeMirror Vim demo. If it does, please report it there and not here.
  • I'm reasonably sure that this bug is indeed about the Vimrc file support and not a general Vim in Obsidian issue. If it's a general Vim issue, report it here.

Describe the bug:

While "+p and "+y work perfectly fine, I can't get to make it work in vimrc.

In particular I am using the following configuration:

" To enable copy and paste only for y and p. 
" Furthermore, these are to cancel the default behavior 
" of d, D, c, C to put the text they delete in the 
" default register.
noremap p "+p
noremap P "+P
noremap p "+p
noremap P "+P
noremap y "+y
noremap y "+y
" to have x to only work in visual mode to cut text
nnoremap X "_D
nnoremap x "_x
vnoremap x "+x

To Reproduce:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Use the configuration above, but I would say only noremap p "+p is sufficient

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ventura 13.5
  • Vimrc plugin version: 0.9.0
  • Obsidan version: 1.4.5

I solved removing

set clipboard=unnamed

which was suggested elsewhere to solve this exact problem.
It seems the two were conflicting somehow.