
esotalk v1.0.0g4 /members/?search xss vulnerability

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Vulnerability analysis

file: /var/www/esotalk/core/lib/functions.general.php

 * Get a request input value, falling back to a default value if it is not set. POST will be searched first,
 * then GET, and then the fallback will be used.
 * @param string $key The request input key.
 * @param mixed $default The fallback value.
 * @return mixed
 * @package esoTalk
function R($key, $default = "")
    if (!empty($_POST[$key])) return $_POST[$key];
    elseif (isset($_GET[$key])) return $_GET[$key];
    else return $default;

R func return, Find a use case:

file: /var/www/esotalk/core/controllers/ETMembersController.class.php

 * Show the member list page.
 * @param string $orderBy What to sort the members by.
 * @param mixed $start Where to start the results from. This can be:
 *      - An integer, in which case it will be used as a numerical offset.
 *      - pX, where X is the "page" number.
 *      - A letter to start from, if $orderBy is "name".
 * @return void
public function action_index($orderBy = false, $start = 0)
    if (!$this->allowed("esoTalk.members.visibleToGuests")) return;

    // Begin constructing a query to fetch results.
    $sql = ET::SQL()->from("member m");

    // If we've limited results by a search string...
    if ($searchString = R("search")) {

$searchString = R("search"),payload here:



file: /var/www/esotalk/core/lib/functions.general.php

function R($key, $default = "")
    if (!empty($_POST[$key])) return htmlspecialchars($_POST[$key]);
    elseif (isset($_GET[$key])) return htmlspecialchars($_GET[$key]);
    else return $default;

I will do some testing with this. The proposed fix looks good except I think we should use our sanitizeHTML function instead of calling PHPs htmlspecialchars function directly.

Okay so the problem is coming in where that search field is being ran through sanitzeHTML, but it's still letting some characters get through that shouldn't be.

This is a very good :)