
Archive of ECMWF and ESoWC support in the development of BlenderNC

ECMWF Summer of Weather Code 2021 - BlenderNC

This repository connects the development of BlenderNC to the ECMWF summer of Weather Code 2021. To know more about the development, go to the main repository of BlenderNC. For specific development under ESOWC you can filter the pull request and issues with the label 'ESOWC - 2021'

What is BlenderNC?

Is an open-source Blender add-on developed to increase reachability of real-time visualizations and animations of scientific data to the scientific community, with a focus on climate sciences. In addition, BlenderNC attempts to simplify and intuitively produce quality 3D visualizations.

ESOWC Challenge 31.

Challenge 31 main goals include:

  1. Document the whole workflow end-to-end with BlenderNC documentation tools.
  2. Support GRIB is a valid file format for BlendeNC at UI level
  3. Load GRIB files successfully into memory as Xarray data types within the Blender python runtime
  4. Render as blender 3D objects and where relevant as procedural textures the data contained in the Grib files within the Blender UI
  5. Create interesting animations and tutorials using ECMWF forecast data.

Future development:


  • Tishampati Dhar @whatnick
  • Gichini Ngaruiya
  • Josue Martinez Moreno @josuemtzmo