
Sleep Mode Interrupted by Sensor

cadywompus opened this issue · 4 comments


I've been trying to crack this design for while, but I haven't had any luck. What I'm trying to implement in my project is sleep mode that is interrupted when my sensor is sending data. From what I've gathered, sleep has to be initiated by setting an amount of time for the device to go into sleep mode and GPIO16 and RST have to be tied together.

I'm using a flow sensor that runs with a hall sensor and sends a pulsed signal to our ESP8266. Is it possible to take this and somehow trigger the RST to wake from sleep on a falling edge? Maybe putting a NMOS transistor with the gate connected to GPIO16 (since it's pulled HIGH in sleep), source to the RST and drain to the signal. I'd appreciate any suggestions I can get.

I am using the ESP8266 Huzzah from adafruit. Link below:
ESP8266 Huzzah breakout

The sensor: flow sensor

Settings in Arduino IDE
Module: Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266
Flash Size: 4MB/ 3MSPIFFS
CPU Frequency: 80Mhz
Upload Speed: 115200
Upload Using: Serial

Programmer: AVRISP mkII

Use deepSleep(0) ---> sleep forever.
Connect Sensor output to RST.
GPIO16 trigger a short pulse to reset ESP using RTC, so you don't need to connect GPIO 16 and RST. Because you have external Interrupt.

I think sensor output to RST(to monostable flip flop) and other GPIO can be used for interrupt triggered wake up and GPIO event monitoring.

I use monostable flip flop and high state of GPIO16(go low when running) to prevent bounce.

Awesome! I knew there was a way to do it, but I couldn't think of it. Thank you!

But how it will wake up by the sensor if only the RTC is activated.

The problem is that sensor output could be on high or low level.
Its a random status.
How can we manage this ?