
espeak-ng doesn't come up after a reboot

xogium opened this issue · 2 comments

So yeah as title says, with the latest 1.08 beta, espeak-ng doesn't seem to come up at boot. I'm not sure why.

If I reboot my phone, I get espeak-ng talking for maybe one or two numbers of my PIN, then it switches back to the Thomas voice, which is the default VO voice for french. Even restarting VO isn't enough to get espeak back, and I have to go in the settings and set the voice again to the one from espeak-ng I want.

Anyone else seeing this ?

iOS 16.1, iPhone SE 2022.

Maybe there was an issue after update from previous version. Voice identifiers was changed eventually to support inapp locale selection.

So after you set voices again, further restarts should be done flawless.

Oh, so you did. It makes sense. I just rebooted yet again to check and indeed this is definitely fixed now. I think the first reboot after getting the latest beta was problematic, but second reboot was okay. Yay !