- 0
System.ArgumentException: AddBlendShape() input arrays size must match mesh vertex count
#73 opened by aiya000 - 10
Export VRM file from VRChat avatarでのエラー
#67 opened by youkizato - 1
Export VRM file from VRChat avatarエラー
#70 opened by lilium-ux - 2
- 3
Viseme issue when ''convert for VRchat''
#66 opened by SugarCrashhhh - 2
#65 opened by FujiSunflower - 8
VRM Export errors from bad Thumbnail texture read: "textureImporter.textureType Cursor is not supported. Only Default or NormalMap is supported"
#61 opened by RiskiVR - 9
#52 opened by RearAlice - 7
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
#54 opened by nuko6925 - 2
#69 opened by RoyCrz - 5
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Esperecyan.Unity.VRMConverterForVRChat.VRChatToVRM.VRChatToVRMConverter.RemoveInactiveObjectsAndDisabledComponents
#27 opened by omills122 - 0
Unity 2022.3.6f1でUnityバージョンに関する警告が出る
#64 opened by esperecyan - 0
#60 opened by gsdoko0150 - 3
#38 opened by neon-izm - 1
- 0
[意見] UniVRM v0.99系統を使用するのはそろそろ限界に感じる
#58 opened by FujiSunflower - 1
#59 opened by webarai - 1
Library\PackageCache\jp.pokemori.univrm-extensions@8.0.0\SwayingObjects\VRCPhysBonesToVRMSpringBonesConverter.cs(280,81): error CS0117: 'VRCPhysBoneBase' does not contain a definition for 'AdvancedBool'
#57 opened by K-4ME - 2
no convert buten
#17 opened by levi11iscool - 3
- 7
- 15
「VRM」→「Export VRM file from VRChat avatar」を選択するとエラーがでる: ArgumentException: Blend shape index out of range.
#28 opened by Roumei0624 - 5
PhysBone やDB が入っていないアバタで例外が発生する
#43 opened by azwjp - 4
Allow bones to be renamed to proper names when converting from VRChat to VRM
#51 opened by SorcererPonse - 6
Allow exporting meshes without combining
#50 opened by fire - 5
#32 opened by kaitakujp - 5
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (Expressions)
#21 opened by CaelThunderwing - 9
Export VRM fileボタンを押した時にArgumentExceptionエラーが発生
#25 opened by shakura02 - 1
IndexOutOfRangeException and GUI Error
#47 opened by SorcererPonse - 1
Mac Unity Issue
#24 opened by karlpelingamer99 - 2
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
#23 opened by Nakita112 - 2
Unclear error
#16 opened by otoneco - 7
Question about the conversion to unity 2019
#15 opened by kzgamer - 1
Using recommended Unity, VRChat SDK, and VRMConverter. Errors when exporting VRChat Avatar
#12 opened by Caseritto - 1
Version dont seem to work?
#9 opened by Peptic52 - 1
NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. UniGLTF.UnityPath.GetAssetFolder (System.String suffix) (at Assets/UniGLTF/Runtime/UniGLTF/IO/UnityPath.cs:181) VRM.VRMEditorImporterContext.ConvertAndExtractImages (UniGLTF.UnityPath assetPath, System.Action`1[T] onTextureReloaded) (at Assets/VRM/Editor/Format/VRMEditorImporterContext.cs:154) VRM.VRMImporterMenu.ImportMenu () (at Assets/VRM/Editor/Format/VRMImporterMenu.cs:77)
#7 opened by Hardcase0701 - 1
- 4
- 9
- 1
Duplicate and convert for vrchat error
#45 opened by expiation - 6
- 1
VRM Converter導入するあとメニュー出せない
#34 opened by RainbowO3 - 3
#33 opened by amanosatsuki - 2
VRM0 --> Export VRM file from VRChat avator
#31 opened by 5ee1e - 3
#30 opened by Rikurus - 1
- 15
I don't know what happened.
#11 opened by otoneco - 2
#22 opened by pureiyaya - 1
I get something different from everyone else
#10 opened by Akaariii - 3
#8 opened by Mappy00