ESP32-mesh-lite:MQTT报错 (AEGHB-678)
LYL14 opened this issue · 8 comments
(2223341) transport_base: tcp_read error, errno=Socket is not connected
(2223341) mqtt_client: esp_mqtt_handle_transport_read_error: transport_read() error: errno=128
(2223351) local_control: error
(2223351) mqtt_client: mqtt_process_receive: mqtt_message_receive() returned -1
(2223361) local_control: disconnected
(2375361) transport_base: Poll timeout or error, errno=Connection already in progress, fd=58, timeout_ms=10000
(2375361) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=119
(2375361) mqtt_client: Error to resend data
(2375371) local_control: disconnected
(3166061) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=119
(3166061) mqtt_client: Error to resend data
(1274291) transport_base: Poll timeout or error, errno=Connection already in progress, fd=-1, timeout_ms=10000
(1274291) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=11
(1274291) mqtt_client: Error sending ping
(1274301) mqtt_client: Can't send ping, disconnected
(1274311) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
(1274321) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
(1483441) esp-tls: [sock=58] select() timeout
(1483441) transport_base: Failed to open a new connection: 32774
(1483441) mqtt_client: Error transport connect
(1483451) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
(2223341) transport_base: tcp_read error, errno=Socket is not connected (2223341) mqtt_client: esp_mqtt_handle_transport_read_error: transport_read() error: errno=128 (2223351) local_control: error (2223351) mqtt_client: mqtt_process_receive: mqtt_message_receive() returned -1 (2223361) local_control: disconnected 2. (2375361) transport_base: Poll timeout or error, errno=Connection already in progress, fd=58, timeout_ms=10000 (2375361) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=119 (2375361) mqtt_client: Error to resend data (2375371) local_control: disconnected 3. (3166061) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=119 (3166061) mqtt_client: Error to resend data 4. (1274291) transport_base: Poll timeout or error, errno=Connection already in progress, fd=-1, timeout_ms=10000 (1274291) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=11 (1274291) mqtt_client: Error sending ping (1274301) mqtt_client: Can't send ping, disconnected (1274311) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected (1274321) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected 5. (1483441) esp-tls: [sock=58] select() timeout (1483441) transport_base: Failed to open a new connection: 32774 (1483441) mqtt_client: Error transport connect (1483451) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected 使用ESP32C3和S3系列芯片共60个,mesh-lite组网,然后通过MQTT收发数据,串口打印错误日志 设备mesh组网中而且获取到IP,但是通讯失败。
sometime this problem also happen with me, hope this problem fix =((
如果设备布置的比较集中,超过三四十个设备是会出现应用层链接断开之类的问题,主要是因为设备都处于同一个信道,信道拥堵导致 Wi-Fi 数据帧发送不了,从而造成应用层链接断开。
- 适当将设备布置的分散一些,减小设备间的无线干扰
- 设当增大 beacon interval。
wifi_config_t wifi_cfg; esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_AP, &wifi_cfg); wifi_cfg.ap.beacon_interval = 200; esp_wifi_set_config(WIFI_IF_AP, &wifi_cfg); esp_mesh_lite_config_t mesh_lite_config = ESP_MESH_LITE_DEFAULT_INIT(); esp_mesh_lite_init(&mesh_lite_config);
If the devices are arranged too closely together, having more than thirty or forty devices can cause issues such as application layer disconnections. This is mainly because all devices are on the same channel, and channel congestion prevents Wi-Fi data frames from being sent, leading to application layer disconnections.
Here are two suggestions:
- Arrange the devices more sparsely to reduce wireless interference between devices.
- Appropriately increase the beacon interval.
wifi_config_t wifi_cfg; esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_AP, &wifi_cfg); wifi_cfg.ap.beacon_interval = 200; esp_wifi_set_config(WIFI_IF_AP, &wifi_cfg); esp_mesh_lite_config_t mesh_lite_config = ESP_MESH_LITE_DEFAULT_INIT(); esp_mesh_lite_init(&mesh_lite_config);
我设置了wifi_cfg.ap.beacon_interval = 200;,然后设备放置间距1m~2m。60个设备依然出现网络问题。
(3761745) transport_base: Poll timeout or error, errno=Connection already in progress, fd=58, timeout_ms=10000
(3761745) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=119
(3761745) mqtt_client: Error to resend data
(3771785) transport_base: Poll timeout or error, errno=Connection already in progress, fd=-1, timeout_ms=10000
(3771785) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=119
(3771785) mqtt_client: Error sending ping
(3771795) mqtt_client: Can't send ping, disconnected
(3771805) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
(3771815) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
(3776815) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
client IP:50636992 MASK:16777215 GW:17082560
local_control: System information, channel: 2, layer: 2, self mac: ec:da:3b:cc:be:40, parent bssid: 3c:84:27:27:5a:f9, parent r
ssi: -48, free heap: 164716�[0m
(3818315) transport_base: Poll timeout or error, errno=Bad file number, fd=58, timeout_ms=10000
(3818315) mqtt_client: Writing didn't complete in specified timeout: errno=9
(3818315) local_control: disconnected
(3818325) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
(3823335) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
(3828335) mqtt_client: Publishing skipped: client is not connected
IP:33925312 MASK:16777215 GW:17148096
(271555) local_control: System information, channel: 2, layer: 2, self mac: 3c:84:27:27:53:58, parent bssid: 00:00:00:00:00:00, parent rssi: -120, free heap: 245404�[0m
(271565) local_control: child node number: 0�[0m
(271565) local_control: Child mac: 3c:84:27:27:55:94�[0m
[19:15:39.129]收←◆client IP:0 MASK:0 GW:0
(16111640) local_control: System information, channel: 2, layer: 3, self mac: 3c:84:27:27:57:18, parent bssid: 3c:84:27:27:5e:d1, parent rssi: -90, free heap: 215508�[0m
(16111640) local_control: child node number: 0�[0m
(16111650) local_control: Child mac: 3c:84:27:27:55:78�[0m
(16111650) local_control: Child mac: 3c:84:27:27:66:c4�[0m
[19:15:48.911]收←◆�[0;31mE (16121420) esp-tls: [sock=59] connect() error: Host is unreachable�[0m
�[0;31mE (16121420) transport_base: Failed to open a new connection: 32772�[0m
�[0;31mE (16121420) mqtt_client: Error transport connect�[0m
(16121430) local_control: error�[0m
(16121430) local_control: disconnected�[0m
[19:16:03.919]收←◆�[0;31mE (16136430) esp-tls: [sock=59] connect() error: Host is unreachable�[0m
�[0;31mE (16136430) transport_base: Failed to open a new connection: 32772�[0m
�[0;31mE (16136430) mqtt_client: Error transport connect�[0m
(16136440) local_control: error�[0m
(16136440) local_control: disconnected�[0m
[19:16:09.129]收←◆client IP:0 MASK:0 GW:0
(16141640) local_control: System information, channel: 2, layer: 3, self mac: 3c:84:27:27:57:18, parent bssid: 3c:84:27:27:5e:d1, parent rssi: -91, free heap: 216180�[0m
(16141640) local_control: child node number: 0�[0m
(16141650) local_control: Child mac: 3c:84:27:27:55:78�[0m
(16141650) local_control: Child mac: 3c:84:27:27:66:c4�[0m
信号强度太弱了,可以用 esp_mesh_lite_set_rssi_threshold 设置下信号强度,比如 -75,这样连接时,会跳过 低于 -75 的 AP
这个函数的传参您理解吗,我有些没看懂 esp_mesh_lite_rssi_threshold_list_t 这个变量是设置在不同层的RSSI值吗。
static const esp_mesh_lite_rssi_threshold_list_t rssi_level[] = {
{0, -35, 20},
{-35, -55, 15},
{-55, -75, 10}
esp_err_t result = esp_mesh_lite_set_rssi_threshold(rssi_level, sizeof(rssi_level) / sizeof(esp_mesh_lite_rssi_threshold_list_t), -75);
if (result == ESP_OK) {
// RSSI threshold list set successfully
} else {
// Failed to set the RSSI threshold list