
fflags (i cant make pull requests 😭 )

Closed this issue · 4 comments

i cant be bothered to make videos for all, but do know that invis 4 might not work (some of the invis are in your fflag list i think)

edit: invis 1-3 are in your fflag list
edit: this closed so quickly

any game

lil bro tweakin

    "FFlagDebugSimDefaultPrimalSolver": "True",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalLineSearch": "50",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalWarmstartVelocity": "45",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalWarmstartForce": "200",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalStiffness": "50",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalToleranceInv": "1",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalNewtonIts": "2",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalToleranceInv": "1",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalPreconditioner": "1100",
    "DFIntDebugSimPrimalPreconditionerMinExp": "1000",

Desync FFlag

        "DFFlagPhysicsSkipNonRealTimeHumanoidForceCalc2": "False",
        "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "3",
        "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": 5588562

Ultimate desync

{ "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "1", "FIntPGSAngularDampingPermilPersecond": "0" }

Invisible 1

[!NOTE] Restricts the client from sending any physics-related
information. This means other people can topple you over.

    "DFIntPhysicsSenderMaxBandwidthBps": "1",
    "DFIntPhysicsSenderMaxBandwidthBpsScaling": "0"

Invisible 2

[!NOTE] Locks your character's position on the server to (0, 0,
0), having the side effect of turning you invisible. This only affects
the server and other clients, not you. server-sided things that rely
on your position, like clicking to get tools, will not function. In
some games these can be abusable. Here is a list of them:

basically your link
    "DFIntGameNetPVHeaderTranslationZeroCutoffExponent": "10"

Invisible 3

Stops the physics on your character froms sending to the server so your character doesn't move for the server. You can move on your client.
        "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "-30"

Invisible 4

Restricts the client from sending any physics-related information. This means other people can topple you over.
        "FFlagDebugSimDefaultPrimalSolver": "True",
        "DFFlagDebugSimPrimalFeedback": "True",
        "DFIntDebugSimPrimalStiffnessMax": "0",
        "DFIntDebugSimPrimalStiffnessMin": "0",
        "DFIntMaximumFreefallMoveTimeInTenths": "1000"

Invisible 5

Restricts the client from sending any physics-related information. This means other people can topple you over.
    "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": 360,
    "FFlagSimIslandizerManager": "false",
    "FFlagDebugSimIntegrationStabilityTesting": "True",
    "DFIntDebugSimPhysicsSteppingMethodOverride": "10000000",
    "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "10000000"

slap battles and ability wars

Good Anti KB

This combination works with every game that uses Ragdolls (the Anti KB is always active). You can change the NewtonIts Flag to stop being stuck on walls or objects (anything below 0 Crashes your game)

  "DFIntDebugSimPrimalPreconditionerMinExp": "1",
  "DFIntDebugSimPrimalNewtonIts": "2",
  "DFIntDebugSimPrimalWarmstartForce": "0",
  "FFlagDebugSimDefaultPrimalSolver": "True",
  "DFIntDebugSimPrimalWarmstartVelocity": "0",
  "DFIntDebugSimPrimalToleranceInv": "1",
  "DFIntDebugSimPrimalPreconditioner": "1"

Anti Kb

This automatically teleports all ragdolled players limbs (except torso) to the games 0,0,0 (very unreliable, only drags your torso to the 0,0,0)
Default: Unknown


they are 100% urs

this is 10% the golden