
Simplify work with walberla kernels

RudolfWeeber opened this issue · 0 comments

When adding new kernels, a lot of manual work is currently needed

  • write the actual kernel generation in maintainer/walberla_kernels/generate_*.py
  • generate, format and copy kernels to src/walberla_bridge/src/lattice_boltzmann/generated_kernels

the following have to be done 4x per kernel, single/double precision, cpu/gpu

  • Add kernel cpp files to the CMake file there
  • include headers of the new kernels in kernel_traits.hpp
  • add the kernel classes in the KernelTraits classes for the respective architectures
  • lastly, kernels are currently imported into the actual LBWalberlaImpl class template via a using statement.

There is probably some potential for streamlingin:

  • the various kernel generation steps described in the readme in maintainer/walberla_kernels can probably mostly be put into a shell script
  • at the time of kernel generation, all information needed for the kernel_traits.hpp is in princicle known. We could generate that file from a Jinja template
  • Having one using statement per Kernel in LBWalberlaImpl could also be avoided, this would, however result in extra typenames throughout the code. Might still be worth it.
using Kernels = detail::KernelTraits<FloatType, Architecture>;

// ...
auto m_initial_pdf_setter = std::make_shared<typename Kernels::InitialPDFSetter>;