
Twitter syncing returns empty page

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I can't get the Twitter mod to sync. Doing a manual re-sync returns an empty page.
Could it be related to this announcement?

Enabling auto-updating and having the twitter-sync enabled results in all WordPress pages returning blank.

i'm having no trouble receiving a response from twitter. but i changed the apiurl to https recently. so it might help if you change line 4 in the twitter class to https:

private static $apiurl = "";

Tried that before filing the issue, but no cigar. I'd also like to suggest not closing this ticket, since enabling auto-sync in combination with a (potentially?) bad Twitter API config must not result in a broken WordPress installation.

Env: WordPress 3.8. To confirm, with "twitter user token" and "secret", you're referring to the Twitter "oauth_token"?

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help debug this. Thanks, Chris.

with "twitter user token" and "twitter user secret" i'm refering to what twitter calls "Access Token" and "Access token secret". you get them on the application "detail" page and all four of them in the "oauth" tab. thats also where you get them.
bildschirmfoto 2014-01-14 um 08 14 57

  • if you get a blank page, do you have by any chance supressed php errors on the server? does your php error log say anything?
  • did you enter all 4 twitter keys and secrets?
  • did you get an error logged in reclaim-log.txt?
  • did you configure any other mods?

also: i can't produce an error with missing or faulty twitter keys or secrets (just tried it). did you create a fresh twitter application here?

Yeah, I think I have the right app, tokens & secrets then. No other mods and nothing in reclaim-log.txt, but I'll have to see if the host surpresses PHP errors. Will get back to you today.

Have you cloned the repo or are you using the release? If you cloned, did you run composer?

i'll reopen the issue, if i can reproduce the error or if you get a specific php error.
whats true: there is no check if the user entered tokens and secrets. all the settinsg are just passed on to tmhOAuth. which should however handle them fine.

@nonsenz Aha, I think we're getting somewhere! I cloned and blatantly ignored composer.json. Sorry for the noise - even though the README could have helped me a bit more ;-)

Ok, composer run fixed it. Shame over my entire family. Nice work!

Shame on me, i pushed composer into the repo but did not touch the readme :-) . We should fix this and should add reclaim to packagist soon.