
Nice to have : favorited tweets

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I was wondering if it would be possible to import also favorited tweets from

I hacked the twitter.class.php to do so (by cloning the do while loop and adding the list.json link), but then it should this to be another category or so (and add something like : author liked a tweet).
But then with the ongoing developpements I went back to the recent version.

it's possible, but i can't fit it into reclaim conceptionally. all the stuff we're pulling is owned by the wordpress user. hopefully this will work as a multiuser setup soon, so that could pull stuff from any number of twitter account you use and each tweet is assigned to a wp user.

following that concept, importing 3rd party tweets should generate a wordpress user. if you subscribe to RSS, this is what actually happens: all the stuff has the original author as the .

however, an easier way would be something like this:

  • wordpress user is still /me
  • the generated status entry would be something like „felix schwenzel favorited a tweet:“ in combination with the official/native twitter embed code

if the generated entry would be like this, we keep the clutter away:

I favorited a tweet:

this would trigger wordpress' oembed feature and render the embed code.

although this would be ok, too:

I favorited a tweet:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href=";src=hash">#reclaim</a> twitter.class maybe filter out some applications like 4sq and FB?</p>&mdash; Daniel Nix (@nxD4n) <a href="">January 22, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

In FB we have already : Daniel Nix likes a post (with WP embed I guess).
I was thinking about the same in Twitter.
Which embeded code to trigger is now a matter of taste :-)

yes. the facebook api returns those statuses as a "story". there's no embed for that.

tjis might be a nice optional extension for the twitter class. with or without an embed thing.

solved: b88c343

coming up: instagram favs