
New default category when activating new mod

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Wondering if it would be possible to create the correspondent category when activating a new account.
(OK I'ts not a big deal, but it's a pain when filling in all the secrets and tokens you find out that you don't have the new category yet).

or present a category widget like the one you see, when you compose a new post:
bildschirmfoto 2014-01-29 um 14 58 44

some code from post_categories_meta_box() in wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php should be reusable.

thinking about default categories: before creating or assigning one, is there anything that needs to be checked to prevent overwriting existing stuff? naming the default categories can be done through localisation. the slug would be the mod name. may be at mod activation there should be a warning, that a default category will be created or assigned.