
Inconsistency using "I did something" or "Author did something"

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While working on the translation I came across the fact that in some cases we use "I did something" (I Favorited a tweet) or "Author did something" (has commented on...).

I don't know how this would reflect in a mulituser environment (if any), but this must be a bit confusing.

yep. regarding multiuser environments, [author] did [something] could be better. however, each post has an author. not recognizing who the author is, is mainly a UI/theme problem. so even in a multiuser blog, you wouldn't write "felix schwenzel thinks that …" but "i think that …"

so i'm a little undecided. the automatically generated facebook "stories" also shows inconsitencies. sometimes "Commented on …" ("Hat sein eigenes Foto kommentiert …") at other times "[author] likes [something]".

on the other hand, right now, there's no multiusersetup possible with reclaim until #41 is solved.

the other question would be: do we use the authors wordpress name or alias? or the services (twitter, instagram) name or alias?