
decide on how to link to the original content and the reclaim permalink page

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm wondering why the permalink and the "leave a comment" link points to the original site.
Is this a WP setting? I would like to be able to comment on the reclaim post rather than to be redirected to the original container.

not a wordpress setting. it is intentional, but thinking about it over time, i came to the conclusion that it needs rethinking. i'll add some thoughts later.

btw: i locally commented line 76 and 77 to deactivate this on my reclaim blog. the original thought was, that data and articles pulled into a reclaim blog should not be commented there, but at the source. this is also what feedwordpress does, which i used for an earlier reclaim version. it makes most sense for the link content type, like john gruber also does it (or even invented): instead of linking the title or RSS link to the blog permalink page, it links to the source.

i think it still makes some sense, because i'd like people to act or comment on a post at the origin, not in my reclaim blog. but there should probably be an optional link to the reclaim permalink page.

my proposition would be:
clicking on the headline, on the post date, the comment link and the RSS link still link to the original in the silo, but there is an additional permalink button (dynamically generated through a content hook) beneath each post, that links to the permalink page on the reclaim blog.

optionally the user can turn that of, so that a „see on xxx“ button is shown and the permalinks work as usual.

still not solved but worked around. a better solution should be outlined in a separate issue.