
foursquare authentication broken

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As of January 28, 2014, foursquare changed its api:
"requests that do not include a v parameter will be rejected".

The original request is done with hybridauth. I committed a pull request to hybridauth so this issue will be fixed there soon. Until this, you have to replace line 35 in hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Foursquare.php with $data = $this->api->api( "users/self", "GET", array("v"=>'20140131') );

thanks. what a pain, but also a sign of things coming in on a regular basis.

i'll try to pull out the foursquare provider into the helper dir and use the patched version as a wrapper later today.

looks like the hybridauth 4sq api bug has been corrected. we could revert to the original provider instead of the wrapper: 7a98442#diff-c884d674b8dae7f41f1180acb15b8c02