
favorited tweets import fails

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Now I discovered that faved tweets don't import.
Normal tweets works, nothing shows up in reclaim-log or error-log.

[2014-02-01T22:15:24+00:00]: starting twitter import
[2014-02-01T22:16:37+00:00]: Retrieved set of twitter messages (tweets): 89, last seen id: 429732825617543168, last id in batch: 394086706485686272, req-ok: 1
[2014-02-01T22:17:35+00:00]: Retrieved set of twitter messages (tweets): 69, last seen id: 429732825617543168, last id in batch: 370930803343392768, req-ok: 1
[2014-02-01T22:19:26+00:00]: Retrieved set of twitter messages (tweets): 100, last seen id: 429732825617543168, last id in batch: 296353199428886528, req-ok: 1

Any idea where to look further?
(latest version).

there might be an issue with auto import. did you try a twitter force sync?
i also don't get all my favs. one of your tweets i faved, never showed up, neither after force nor auto sync.

Ok after resetting& resinc, it works fine.

FTR, this particular tweet was an @reply which aren't imported anyways even if you favorite them.