
Error: Cannot add item: item with id NaN already exists

Closed this issue · 3 comments

myxor commented

I don't know if this is already working but i just tried it and it crashes with the following error:

Uncaught Error: Cannot add item: item with id NaN already exists
at t.value (vis-network.min.js:33:120883)
at t.value (vis-network.min.js:33:115512)
at new t (vis-network.min.js:33:114875)
at handleResponse (vis.html:128:18)
at vis.html:64:15
at timeout (puck.js:360:13)

it seems to happen at this place in the minified code:

 key: "_addItem",
        value: function(g) {
            var A = function(g, A) {
                return null == g[A] && (g[A] = Fp()),
            }(g, this._idProp)
              , t = A[this._idProp];
            if (this._data.has(t))
                throw new Error("Cannot add item: item with id " + t + " already exists");
            return this._data.set(t, A),

Maybe you could look at what's in the array response? Also maybe just try running it again?

I've only seen that error when there's been corrupt data received.

myxor commented

My array response has 1048 entries and these are the last 10:

1039: {id: 2120, label: '"exports"', value: 2, flags: undefined}
1040: {id: 2134, label: '"BTHRM"', value: 3, flags: undefined}
1041: {id: 2146, label: '"time"', value: 2, flags: undefined}
1042: {id: 2156, label: '"\\xFFsco"', value: 2, flags: undefined}
1043: {id: 2212, label: '"time"', value: 2, flags: undefined}
1044: {id: NaN, label: undefined, value: NaN, flags: undefined}
1045: {id: NaN, label: '"chg":0}', value: NaN, flags: undefined}
1046: {id: NaN, label: undefined, value: NaN, flags: undefined}
1047: {id: NaN, label: '"hrm":80.9}', value: NaN, flags: undefined}

I crashes when processing entry 1045: {id: NaN, label: '"chg":0}', value: NaN, flags: undefined} because id=NaN is already existing in the target.

Maybe we can ignore entries with id=NaN ?

I tried to run it again and indeed after several tries it sometimes works.

Ahh - it's because you've got Gadgetbridge/Android installed and it's outputting health data right after you connect to the Bangle.

I guess we could wait after the connection...