Customisation of rendered annotations
marco-brandizi opened this issue · 0 comments
Thanks for providing LODE, it's a great tool that I use often. Today I discovered that it renders only certain annotations, like rdfs:label or rdfs:comment. I've an ontology where we try to be more precise and we use properties like dcterms:description, skos:editorialNote. These annotations seem to be currently ignored by LODE, I don't see them in the rendered HTML. I wish I could be able to configure them as desired in the output. I know that the problem could be mitigated by defining some mappings and then enabling the reasoner (e.g., dcterms:description subPropertyOf rdfs:comment). However, that's not the same I want, because I'd like to let the reader know that an editorial note is there with the precise property and not as a generic comment. Besides, I'm not even sure that the OWLAPI reasoner works with hierarchies of annotation properties.
A related issue is that LODE seems to report properties like rdfs:comment only once, even if you have multiple comments for a class/property.
It should be possible to do that by simply adding a configuration option (plus some documentation) to list additional XSL files to be imported by the main one.