
Support multiple game sessions and waiting lobby (a la Jackbox)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

A fix for this issue would have the following behavior:

  • Allow players to join an existing session or create a new one
  • Utilize join code to group players (and WebSocket clients) into game sessions
  • Reject users using the same join code after players exit lobby area and move to map scene
  • Coordinate scene transitions via WebSocket server (one person presses "Start Game" button, server sends message to other clients with same game code to initiate scene switch)

The current implementation for this fix (see #81) correctly switches scenes and coordinates game sessions for multiple players, but the websocket instance in the client quits when the Maze1 scene starts. Trying to determine the cause and implement a fix may not be possible in the time remaining. I have decided to work on other tasks instead of continuing to debug this.