
Install htmltest using it's install script once the next release becomes available

chalin opened this issue · 3 comments

To check links you'll need htmltest@Head in your path, unless you have go installed, then npm run check-links will fetch and build the required version for your. (That is, the current release 0.14.0 won't work.)

Otherwise, you can let Netlify check links for you as part of preview builds.

This issue is a reminder to update the Makefile to revert to using the htmltest install script once a new release (>0.14) becomes available.



Lines 22 to 37 in 2a33bf5

# Until htmltext >0.14.x is released, get and build our own from source:
mkdir -p $(HTMLTEST_DIR)/bin && \
cd $(HTMLTEST_DIR) && \
git clone --depth=1 && \
( \
cd htmltest && \
./ && \
cp bin/htmltest ../bin \
# Once htmltext >0.14.x is released, replace the get-and-build code above with this:
# get-link-checker:
# rm -Rf $(HTMLTEST_DIR)/bin
# curl | bash -s -- -b $(HTMLTEST_DIR)/bin

I'm starting to think that we might want to keep that Makefile target renamed to, say, build-link-checker.

This change seems to have been made in the website/Makefile. Can this issue be closed?

This change seems to have been made in the website/Makefile. Can this issue be closed?

Agree thanks for the prompt @dwelsch-esi. Closing.