
Update version strings

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Figure out a better way of including the version in the binary. Currently, it is being hardcoded in a couple of places.

perhaps related to this, im not sure, is that the latest release 3.0.0-beta1 returns as if it was version 2.4.0 but the bot announces itself as if it was version 3

curl http://localhost:8085/
{"messages":["Welcome to the Phabulous API"],"status":"success","version":"2.4.0-beta1"}

Yep. Looking to find a simple way to have it centralized in one place.

I am also affected by this with the v3.0.0-beta3 tag on

It is better to hardcode something like UNKNOWN in front.go, no? If tit is not guaranteed to be correct and updated then I suggest that it would be better.