
PNG Encoding: encoded image is even larger than its pixel size?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

use zune_core::options::DecoderOptions;
use zune_image::{codecs::ImageFormat, image::Image};

const JPEG_IMAGE_DATA: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../resources/lenna.jpg");

fn main() {
    let image = Image::read(JPEG_IMAGE_DATA, DecoderOptions::default()).unwrap();
    println!("Pixel bytes: {}", image.flatten_to_u8().iter().flatten().count());

    let data = image.write_to_vec(ImageFormat::PNG).unwrap();
    println!("PNG bytes: {}", data.len());

Where lenna.jpg is a 512*512 picture of the famous Lenna.


Pixel bytes: 786432
PNG bytes: 788224

Hi, the png encoder is still in the works, but currently i'd recommend image-rs png encoder, when writing the png decoder and encoder, it wasn't as performant as it currently was, but there have been really great advancements in making it fast. e.g image-rs/image-png#478 and the massive thread at image-rs/image-png#416 (Chromium want to integrate it as the decoder so it has seen some really good optimizations). Zune currently supports easy integration of other crates, e.g see that uses oxipng for the png encoder instead of the normal one in zune-png, the same can be done for others