The following files and directories are to be copied into lstm/
Contains filenames containing individual table markup, their classification, and the company name.classes-orig.csv
This is mostly the same as above, but will always preserve the original company names. When we only want to classify based on table type (2nd column), a quick way to do this without changing any code is, change the 3rd column inclasses.csv
to the same dummy value. So, in effect, even when 2nd and 3rd column are combined to form a single class, there is still only 4 classes. This original file is kept for those cases, when you classify into 4 classes by changingclasses.csv
, but still want a reference to original company names for
Contains extracted tables in single files. If the filename is1234_x.html
, the original PDF will be1234.pdf
Contains original PDFs and the converted HTMLs in their complete form. This can be used in cases when you want to display the tables on a web UI. The style tags can be parsed from these HTMLs to preserve the original look of tables.
We use Google News pretrained word2vec embeddings in the training, in addition to custom trained vocabulary.
This can be obtained at
The archive is available at
The file needs to be unzipped and copied to lstm/
Step 1: Create embeddings from dataset:
Step 2: Train LSTM neural net and create probability vectors for tables:
This will create pred_vecs.csv
, which is a list of probability distribution vectors corresponding to each table
Step 3: You can run the server after this step for visual analysis
The server uses KNN behind the scenes to cluster table vectors. When you select a table from the UI, the nearest tables are queried and returned. See
Furthermore, the rows in these tabled are sliced, converted into vectors, and clustered. The mapping to their original tables are kept track of. The server then finds nearest matches for each row and include this pre-processed information in the response to UI. This data can be used in row based similarity querying. That is, when a row is selected in the query table, similar rows are highlighted in the result tables. See
Tables are also parsed and loaded into memory as matrices, which enables querying them. See
Parse individual HTML tables and load them into a Postgres database for similarity checking with database methods
Prints KNN accuracy of pred_vecs.csv
Web UI resources and Flask templates
Modules to do a custom word2vec, but only on the set of query table + result tables. Optionally used in current program logic
Plot tSNE 2D map of word2vec embeddings
Plot KNN cluster for prediction vectors
The train-test split batches are picked at random. In case you want to test slightly varying factors in training but with the same test-train split, the randomness is loaded from this seed so that the data used remains constant and helps accurate comparison (For example, test using google word2vec vs custom word2vec). See commented lines with pickle.dump()
call in
to generate new random_seed.pkl