
"Connection was Reset" for localhost:37358 on Windows 10

CalvatronPrime opened this issue · 2 comments

I have been unable for around a month now to get etesync-dav working on my windows 10 computer. I download the .exe and open the file, and the file shows as running, but I can't get to localhost:37358 . I get a "The connection was reset. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." error in Firefox.

I'm having the same issue after upgrading to SSL (or something along that lines) in the Web UI. Etesync-dav.exe is running but I can't reach localhost:37358 anymore.

Ok for me the issue was that the upgrade to SSL evidently changed all URLs from http:// to https:// and I didn't think of that. For what it's worth all links in the readme are also given with http://, so this can easily be confusing