
Commit to run a genesis validator - (A) Client Teams

Closed this issue · 10 comments

q9f commented

The Ethereum EL/CL client teams are asked to commit to a number of validators they are willing to run at genesis for Holesky.

The recommended size of the validator-set per team is 80-100k. The estimated lifetime should be 3-5 years.

Please also indicate if you believe that a genesis with 1.5 million keys could cause issues.

EF DevOps commits to running 100k validators, We're also comfortable to run more or less depending on the network's needs.

Sigma Prime will happily commit to 100k validators (or any other size that is deemed ideal for client teams)

tersec commented

Status/Nimbus commits to running 100k validators, or however many is useful for the network.

ConsenSys commits to run 100k validators or more if needed.

ChainSafe/Lodestar committing to 100k validators.

Grandine would take 50K-100K validators.

Nethermind commits to run 100k validators ;)

nisdas commented

The Prysm team would be fine with running 100k validators or a higher number if required.

Erigon would like to commit to a smaller amount initially (5k validators) and then increase that to 100k a few months later. The reason is that at the moment we lack devops capacity. We've hired a devops who's starting in September, but it'll take him some time to get up to speed.

Thank you for your participation. The comments have been noted and will make it into the genesis state. We'll be in touch for information about genesis state, etc. For more info please refer to the community call #1 notes: ethereum/pm#814 (comment)