
Commit to run a genesis validator - (C) Others

q9f opened this issue · 22 comments

q9f commented

The Ethereum stakers and other enthusiasts are invited to commit to a number of validators they are willing to run at genesis for Holesky.

There is no recommended size here, but it would be suggested to commit to at least 10k keys. The estimated lifetime should be 3-5 years.

The Ethereum stakers and other enthusiasts are invited to commit to a number of validators they are willing to run at genesis for Holesky.

There is no recommended size here, but it would be suggested to commit to at least 10k keys. The estimated lifetime should be 3-5 years.

Manifold Finance, 36_000 validators running:
10_000 * 3 clients
6_000 * running various versions of the main 3 operating clients to test bleeding edge and latest release versions of said clients.
@sambacha on tg

willing to commit to 10_000 validators

@zhongfu on tg (& discord)

I have been a mainnet validator since gennisis and i would love to run 10k validators on holesky

Throwing my hat into the “other” group here, because I assume there must be a reason “node operators” are a separate class. I can commit to 10,000 validators either way.

EthStaker is committing to run 40,000 genesis validators on Holesky for 3-5 years.

remy_roy on Twitter, remyroy on Discord

Commiting to run 50,000 validators on Hoelsky for its lifetime

tg: fredriksvantes

I run mainnet validators as an independent operator. Committing to run 10k validators on Holesky for its lifetime.

telegram: mattstam, discord mattstam#3434

I'd be happy to run 5000 validators at genesis, tg: ralexstokes

Interested to run 10,000 validators. tg: protolambda

Happy to run 10,000 validators. tg: infosecual

Currently running validators on Goerli and Sepolia (EF Security Research sets) as well as mainnet.

Thank you for your participation. The comments have been noted and will make it into the genesis state. We'll be in touch for information about genesis state, etc. For more info please refer to the community call #1 notes: ethereum/pm#814 (comment)

@parithosh / @q9f would it be possible to setup a telegram group for purposes of facilitating coordination/plan ing etc? I prefer not to use discord and most people in this thread have responded with their TG username.

Also if there is work on a web site can certainly help with that as well!

dapplion / 10_000 / @dapplion on twitter

orig req #2 (comment)

I'd like to run 10,000 validators at genesis. I'd consider myself an ETH enthusiast.

easeev commented

We at @chainstack are willing to run 10K validators

@easeev on Telegram/Discord

Hey all!

I know this issue is closed but in case we could do a final opening, Google Cloud Web3 would love to run 10k validators for the entirety of Holesky's lifetime.

We currently run ~100 validators on Goerli.

We have been supporting the ETH ecosystem for a while now, having recently launched our Eth Node service product - Blockhain Node Engine and planning to do more stuff too.

@theSamPadilla on Twitter/Telegram

Apologies, a bit late to the party.

RockLogic would love to run 50k validators for the entire Holesky lifetime distributed over all supported execution (5) & consensus clients (5) supported by Stereum.

How to find us:

Huawei Cloud Blocklchain Lab is willing to run 10k validators for the Holesky testnet. We noticed that the new testnet is comming and the Genesis block is full. But still we are happy to maintains those validatores once the testnet launched.

Contact us by:
Web3 Node engine Service:
@apeslee on Telegram or wuhuama#0 on Discord

Hello there!

We sincerely apologize for the delay in submitting our application. Node3 is fully dedicated to decentralization, planning to operating 50,000 validators with a focus on both EL and CL minorities. Our infrastructure, located in Australia, is exclusively on-premises and dedicated to Holesky over lifetime.

If it remains feasible, we kindly request you to reach out to me through Telegram at @peterlin0509 or via email at Thank you for your understanding.

Much appreciated!

Apologies for the late response.

Republic Crypto would be happy to run 10k validators for the lifetime of Holesky. We can situate the infrastructure where ever is best suited to improve coverage/decentralisation and our infrastructure team is on-call 24/7 to maintain uptime.

You can contact us directly via email here.

I'm reaching out to propose deploying 20,000 validators on the Holeskie platform under our Alphanodes project. We're fully committed to this initiative, considering both hardware specifications and security requirements. We have the flexibility to host the validators in any geographical location that meets our performance and regulatory criteria.

If this aligns with your roadmap, please get in touch with me either through Telegram @Alphanodes23 or via email at to discuss next steps.