
Intel GPU

Opened this issue · 4 comments


I tried the diffusion3D example (attached file) on one Intel GPU using oneAPI/oneArray and did not use any of the ImplicitGlobalGrid native functions, as the signature only accepts CUDA/AMD arrays.

For nt=100000, I get ZE_RESULT_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST (device hung, reset, was removed, or driver update occurred). For nt=100, it works, but the results are not correct.

Any idea what could possibly go wrong?


P.S. oneAPI.versioninfo()

Binary dependencies:

  • NEO: 23.17.26241+0
  • libigc: 1.0.13822+0
  • gmmlib: 22.3.0+0
  • SPIRV_LLVM_Translator_unified: 0.3.0+0
  • SPIRV_Tools: 2023.2.0+0


  • Julia: 1.9.3
  • LLVM: 14.0.6

1 driver:

  • 00000000-0000-0000-178a-f44f01036794 (v1.3.26516, API v1.3.0)

2 devices:

  • Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max 1100
  • Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max 1100

Hi @ali-vaziri, it seems that the issue you are encountering are not relates to ImplicitGlobalGrid (IGG), but rather issues with oneAPI.jl itself, since as you are stating, you're not using any features from IGG, but mostly broadcasting over oneArrays.

I would recommend you remove the IGG-related calls in your example, and further reduce it until you figure out which part causes oneAPI to error. Then this should rather be reported to

For IGG to work with oneAPI.jl, we would indeed need to add some features to it in a similar fashion to CUDA and AMDGPU.

pengtu commented

@luraess, Can you give us a general idea what it takes to support oneAPI.jl in IGG?

@luraess when we tried to import IGG following errors are encountered, based on the log IGG may need to be updated to use CUDA 5.0.0. Can you make a release after bumping up the CUDA support version?

julia> import Pkg;Pkg.add("ImplicitGlobalGrid")
Updating registry at ~/.julia/registries/General.toml
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package CUDA [052768ef]:
CUDA [052768ef] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-5.0.0 or uninstalled
├─restricted by julia compatibility requirements to versions: [2.3.0, 2.5.0-5.0.0] or uninstalled
├─restricted by compatibility requirements with ImplicitGlobalGrid [4d7a3746] to versions: [1.0.0-1.3.3, 3.1.0-4.4.1], leaving only versions: 3.1.0-4.4.1
│ └─ImplicitGlobalGrid [4d7a3746] log:
│ ├─possible versions are: 0.11.0-0.13.0 or uninstalled
│ └─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions: 0.11.0-0.13.0
└─restricted by compatibility requirements with GPUArrays [0c68f7d7] to versions: 5.0.0 or uninstalled — no versions left
└─GPUArrays [0c68f7d7] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.3.0-9.0.0 or uninstalled
└─restricted to versions 9 by oneAPI [8f75cd03], leaving only versions: 9.0.0
└─oneAPI [8f75cd03] log:
├─possible versions are: 1.4.0 or uninstalled
└─oneAPI [8f75cd03] is fixed to version 1.4.0

@luraess when we tried to import IGG following errors are encountered, based on the log IGG may need to be updated to use CUDA 5.0.0. Can you make a release after bumping up the CUDA support version?

We will work on upgrading CUDA compatibility to latest. Thanks