
[Feature] Create example configuration

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Manta's source code includes an example configuration file. It would be nice to have a command to generate one for users that don't have a current checkout of the code.

Bonus points if it asks the user for input as part of generating the config.

When Manta starts, the default behavior is, it will looks for a configuration file and it will panic if it can't be found.
If configuration file could not be found, then manta will ask the user for the date to generate one. This functionality triggers only if manta runs interactively (neither in a CICD pipeline nor withing a script):

  • site name*
  • base_url*
  • socks5_proxy
  • k8s api url*
  • local vault url*
  • local vault secret path*
  • local vault role id*
  • path to CA cert*

this is done in version 1.46.0