L6_ex1: diffusion example without marcros?
mauro3 opened this issue · 2 comments
mauro3 commented
Why not
@inbounds @views function diffusion2D_step!(T, Ci, qTx, qTy, dTdt, lam, dt, _dx, _dy)
qTx .= .-lam.*(T[2:end ,2:end-1] .- T[1:end-1,2:end-1]).*_dx # Fourier's law of heat conduction: qT_x = -λ ∂T/∂x
qTy .= .-lam.*(T[2:end-1,2:end ] .- T[2:end-1,1:end-1]).*_dy # ... qT_y = -λ ∂T/∂y
dTdt .= Ci[2:end-1,2:end-1].*( # Conservation of energy: ∂T/∂t = 1/cp (-∂qT_x/∂x - ∂qT_y/∂y)
.-(qTx[2:end, : ] .- qTx[1:end-1, : ]).*_dx
.-(qTy[ : ,2:end ] .- qTy[ : ,1:end-1]).*_dy)
T[2:end-1,2:end-1] .= T[2:end-1,2:end-1] .+ dt.*dTdt # Update of temperature T_new = T_old + ∂t ∂T/∂t
return nothing
instead of
@inbounds @views macro d_xa(A) esc(:( ($A[2:end , : ] .- $A[1:end-1, : ]) )) end
@inbounds @views macro d_xi(A) esc(:( ($A[2:end ,2:end-1] .- $A[1:end-1,2:end-1]) )) end
@inbounds @views macro d_ya(A) esc(:( ($A[ : ,2:end ] .- $A[ : ,1:end-1]) )) end
@inbounds @views macro d_yi(A) esc(:( ($A[2:end-1,2:end ] .- $A[2:end-1,1:end-1]) )) end
@inbounds @views macro inn(A) esc(:( $A[2:end-1,2:end-1] )) end
@inbounds @views function diffusion2D_step!(T, Ci, qTx, qTy, dTdt, lam, dt, _dx, _dy)
qTx .= .-lam.*@d_xi(T).*_dx # Fourier's law of heat conduction: qT_x = -λ ∂T/∂x
qTy .= .-lam.*@d_yi(T).*_dy # ... qT_y = -λ ∂T/∂y
dTdt .= @inn(Ci).*(.-@d_xa(qTx).*_dx .- @d_ya(qTy).*_dy) # Conservation of energy: ∂T/∂t = 1/cp (-∂qT_x/∂x - ∂qT_y/∂y)
@inn(T) .= @inn(T) .+ dt.*dTdt # Update of temperature T_new = T_old + ∂t ∂T/∂t
return nothing
Also, if keeping the macros: do they need the @inbounds
and @views
as the function is already decorated like so?
luraess commented
I wanted to show how ti use macros. And indeed, @inbounds
and @views
are redundant. For views, I don't know, but inbound tends to struggle to propagate into GPU kernels. So better safe than sorry.
mauro3 commented
Ok, sounds good. I missed that they were introduced in L5 during the lecture.