
Code for "Are “Hierarchical” Visual Representations Hierarchical?" in NeurIPS Workshop for Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations.

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Code for the paper "Are 'Hierarchical' Visual Representations Hierarchical?" in NeurIPS Symmetry and Geometry Workshop in Neural Representations.

Setup Steps

Clone and setup the repository using:

git clone git@github.com:ethanlshen/HierNet.git
cd HierNet
conda create -n HierNet python=3.9 --yes
conda activate HierNet
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

The source code is compatible with MERU (https://github.com/facebookresearch/meru) and MRL (https://github.com/RAIVNLab/MRL). Clone and setup both repositories in the HierNet directory.

Next, create a checkpoint folder to store model checkpoints and an embeds folder for image embeddings.

mkdir checkpoints
mkdir embeds

In the checkpoints folder, download and store the following checkpoints:

Evaluation Files

Run the following command to evaluate a model on all datasets across all dimensions (512 for CLIP/MERU, 8-2048 for MR/FF), storing the results in --results_dir. The same results file can be used for all models in evaluate.py. A different one should be used for evaluate_pca.py. Results are stored in a nested dictionary where the first level contains keys for different datasets, the second level keys for different metrics, and the third keys for different models. The corresponding value is a np.array() containing metrics across all dimensions for the respective model.

--model accepts the following arguments: clip, meru, ff, mrl.

python evaluate.py --model clip --dataset_dir ./files/dataset_info.pt --imagenet_dir <path to imagenet> --results_dir <path to results>

This command does the same for only --model being ff, with the exception that embeddings are now PCA reduced from 2048-dim ResNet50.

python evaluate_pca.py --model ff --dataset_dir ./files/dataset_info.pt --imagenet_dir <path to imagenet> --results_dir <path to results>

Evaluate Own Models

Custom models can be evaluated in a similar way to the provided notebooks resnet_models.ipynb and clip_models.ipynb, which provide examples on how to use our methods and datasets.