
New datasource HEAD

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I think very beneficial in CI/CD pipelines will be having new data source git-head. It will be similar to git-commit but not focusing over commit, but rather on current git repo workspace.

Data source as input will be taking path (by default .) and always working on HEAD commit. As output it will initially return two values:

  • git commit sha
  • current git branch name

we can add one output into git-commit with branch name associated with HEAD but by design of git-commit it doesnt seems to be fitting there (there is focus over commit object)

@ethanmdavidson what you think here?

I've been thinking about how to structure this, and I've settled on adding a datasource named repository, with an output head which contains the current value of head. Please look over pr #15 and let me know if you think that will fulfill your needs.