
No evaluation when running in Azure Devops

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I was hoping you could help me nail this bug down. So my packer image works locally but when running in Azure Devops Pipelines and using their default checkout I can see that the data sources are not evaluated.

# windows.pkr.hcl
packer {
  required_version = ">= 1.9.0"

  required_plugins {
    azure = {
      version = "2.0.0"
      source  = ""
    ansible = {
      version = "1.1.0"
      source  = ""
    git = {
      version = "0.4.2"
      source  = ""

data "git-commit" "cwd-head" {}
data "git-repository" "cwd" {}

locals {
  # publish image only if run on main branch
  do_not_publish = data.git-commit.cwd-head == "main" ? false : true

  # if image is not to be published compute an image version from the current timestamp
  image_version = local.do_not_publish ? formatdate("YYYY.MM.DD", timestamp()) : trim(data.git-repository.cwd.tags[0], "v")

source "azure-arm" "build" {

locally I can see the data sources being evaluated correctly:

> packer inspect .
Packer Inspect: HCL2 mode

> input-variables:

> local-variables:

local.do_not_publish: "true"
local.image_version: "2023.09.05"


when running in CI the locals are not avaibale:

Packer v1.9.4
Packer Inspect: HCL2 mode

> input-variables:

> local-variables:

in CI and local I have packer version 1.9.4.

I guess it is caused by the way Azure checkouts the repository & commit, but running the same checkout command (git checkout --progress --force refs/remotes/origin/<sha>) local it works.

# azure-pipelines.yml
  - stage: validate
    condition: and(not(contains(variables['Build.SourceVersionMessage'], '[skip ci]')), ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main'))
      - job: packer_fmt
          - script: |
              cd $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.
              PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH="./plugins" packer fmt -check=true -recursive=true .
            failOnStderr: "true"
            displayName: packer fmt

      - job: packer_validate
          - script: |
              cd $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.
              packer version
              packer inspect .
              PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH="./plugins" packer validate -evaluate-datasources .
            failOnStderr: "true"
            displayName: packer validate

Do you have any hint that behaviour is caused by?


My bad. I run packer inspect without my plugin configuration (PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH="./plugins") hence inspect could not load the plugins ...