
Export modifies URL syntax

eike2013 opened this issue · 1 comments

When exporting a pad which contains urls using the resulting file contains a wrong syntax.

In ep itself the shown syntax is correct, e.g. like described in this cheatsheet

[I'm an inline-style link](

But the exported file wraps an \url tag around the link and corrupting it for further processing, e.g. pelican static site generation.

The code responsible for this is in the exportMarkdown.js
if (urls) { urls.forEach(function (urlData) { var startIndex = urlData[0]; var url = urlData[1]; var urlLength = url.length; processNextChars(startIndex - idx); assem.append('\\url{'); processNextChars(urlLength); assem.append('}'); }); }

So why is this implemented and how can I switch it off to get a proper export following the rules from the cheatsheet?
