
Feature request: console command to resave all Seo titles before going to production

kevinmu17 opened this issue · 0 comments


When a client is filling pages it occurs that the title can change to something entirely different or making a Typo.

For example, my config uses {title} for the page title. When saving the page 'About us' it save this into the SEO page title.
But on resave it leaves the SEO page title untouched (for obvious reasons) but when going from staging to production we often have clients 'forgetting' this field to also change. So let's say in an extreme example, the client renames 'About us' to 'News' and forgetting the SEO page title to update.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create page named 'About us'
  2. Hit save
  3. Edit 'About us' to 'News'
  4. Hit save


would be nice to have some kind of console controller for us developers like:

php ./craft seo/resave/pagetitle