
EIPIP Meeting 81

poojaranjan opened this issue · 7 comments

Date and Time

May 17, 2023 at 14:00 UTC


Zoom: TBA in the Discord #eip-editing channel

YouTube Live Stream/Recording:


1. Discuss Open Issues/PRs, and other topics

Edit to Final EIP

2. Discussion continued or updates from past meetings

  • Progress on EIP number bot

3. EIPs Insight - Monthly EIPs status reporting.

4. EIP Editing Office Hour

5. Review action items from earlier meetings

Next meeting - May 31, 2023?

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the call.

Re: EIP-6953, I have a weak preference to get it to Final over Living, and if we ever change the hard fork activation mechanism again (I hope not!!), I'll create a new EIP to supersede this one. My goal isn't to have the EIP be a list of every hard fork activated on mainnet, but to show the various activation mechanisms over time, so it's fine if the last one says something like "these forks were activated using epoch + timestamps, and we expect all future ones to do so as well". I can edit the EIP to reflect this.

That said, I'm not opposed to "Living" either, if editors feel it's best. If that were the case, then I think we should maintain the EIP and add every subsequent hard fork to the list.

if we ever change the hard fork activation mechanism again (I hope not!!), I'll create a new EIP to supersede this one.

In that case, Final sounds about the right status. However, would it be better to be a Meta instead of Informational if this EIP has binding effect?

Request to add the following topic if time permits

  1. Report back how the 1st session of AllERCDevs works yesterday and get feedback from EIP Editors.
  2. Share about the Status proposal and request for feedback for ERC's status advancement criteria

Notes about EIP-6953:

  • @xinbenlv and @SamWilsn and @Gajinder discussed, correct me if I was wrong
  • Editors agree the to move to Review and move in the direction of "Final".
  • If so, the tables of block number of each upgrade probably need to be moved to some Live EIP if it is intended to be appended in the future.
  • Editors also suggest to consider type to be "Meta" as opposed to "Informational" but defer to the Author to decide.

Propose to add to next meeting agenda


1. Discuss Open Issues/PRs, and other topics

PR - 6991

  • Editors are fine moving the proposal to Review.
  • It should be good to be moved towards Final and not Living.
  • Some changes suggested to the author, like removing table of activation


  • Unanimous decision to NOT allow UNLICENSED code in EIP document
  • Open PR to implement this with permission to CC0 only.
  • May need further discussion to include other licenses.

Edit to Final EIP: PR- 6937

  • Approved and merged

Edit to Final EIP: PR6860

  • Need to hear the author's side before recommending documenting a new EIP

2. Discussion continued or updates from past meetings

Progress on EIP number bot

Potential discussion for future meetings

  • @SamWilsn proposed a policy change to allow EIP authors to move a proposal from Final to Withdrawn
  • @gcolvin proposed to have a policy to add Errata to Final EIPs

@SamWilsn also added Summary

closing in favor of #235