
[ERROR] Tutorials:Creating Your Own L2 Rollup Testnet issue

Closed this issue · 1 comments


When running op-geth, I encountered the following error:

geth/datadir/geth/chaindata/ancient/chain readonly=false
Fatal: Failed to register the Ethereum service: incompatible state scheme, stored: path, provided: hash

This error was resolved by performing the following steps:

  1. Remove the existing datadir:
    rm -rf datadir
  2. Recreate the datadir:
    mkdir datadir
  3. Reinitialize with the following command:
    build/bin/geth init --datadir=datadir --state.scheme=hash genesis.json

During the execution of the build/bin/geth init --datadir=datadir --state.scheme=hash genesis.json command, I encountered another error:

ERROR[08-23|17:11:15.047] Head block is not reachable
INFO [08-23|17:11:15.362] Persisted trie from memory database      nodes=3137 size=453.32KiB time=17.070932ms gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=0 livesize=0.00B
INFO [08-23|17:11:15.535] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=chaindata hash=fb7ed5..9b1a0f
INFO [08-23|17:11:15.535] Defaulting to pebble as the backing database
INFO [08-23|17:11:15.535] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/root/op-geth/datadir/geth/lightchaindata cache=16.00MiB handles=16
INFO [08-23|17:11:15.572] Opened ancient database                  database=/root/op-geth/datadir/geth/lightchaindata/ancient/chain readonly=false
INFO [08-23|17:11:15.572] State scheme set by user                 scheme=hash
INFO [08-23|17:11:15.572] Writing custom genesis block
ERROR[08-23|17:11:15.588] Head block is not reachable

I chose to ignore this error for now, as it didn’t seem to affect subsequent operations. However, I believe this issue should be investigated to determine its cause and to ensure that it does not lead to further problems down the line.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Run op-geth with the specified configurations.
  2. Execute the above steps to resolve the initial error.
  3. Observe the output for the "Head block is not reachable" error during geth init.

Expected Behavior:

The geth init command should complete without any errors, ensuring that the system is correctly initialized.

Actual Behavior:

An error stating "Head block is not reachable" is thrown during the initialization process.


  • op-geth version: commit 641e996a2dcf1f81bac9416cb6124f86a69f1de7
  • Operating System: ubuntu 24.04

Additional Context:

I suggest investigating the root cause of the "Head block is not reachable" error and determining whether it might affect future operations. After that, modify the geth init command of the document.

@opfocus We are working on updating this tutorial, for now i'll close this issue, once the tutorial is revamped i'll escalate here, thanks for your patience.