
validation: track and validate sequencing window

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We do not store it in the superchain-registry at all at present, and actually override it when we load the config into op-node (meaning it will take the value 3600 if a node is started using the “network flags”)

One path forward is to:

  1. not override it
  2. store it in the registry, and modify op-node to read it from there
  3. write a validation check to ensure it is 12 hours or 3600 (need to decide what should be standard)

Note that I don't think we will be able to detect any drift in this value if it is modified after the chain is inserted into the registry (and it is easily spoofed since there is no on chain check).

Updating op-node to track this parameter is out of scope for the superchain registry project, but still highly important.