
[bug, feature] Stagnant bot shouldn't mention EIP Editors.

MicahZoltu opened this issue · 6 comments

The EIP Editors don't need to take any action when the bot alerts of a stagnant EIP. The authors need to be notified so they can override but the editors don't have any action to take so they shouldn't be mentioned.

The issue here is that the merge bot is piping up on the stagnant EIPs. Ideally it would skip over those.

It also seems like it require editor approval too? This should auto merge after some grace period I think.

I am blanking if a grace period is already decided, if not, it could be up to 2 weeks (inspired by the "Last Call").

It would be nice to have the message delivered in the original message to the author that the EIP author has 2 weeks time to resuscitate the proposal.


editors are removed by 92f5c11

what's the consensus on grace period? cc @MicahZoltu @lightclient @poojaranjan

Two weeks is fine with me.

ok, that behavior is defined here: 6ca2786