
Refungible ERC721 Asset with Fungible ERC20

tlxsam opened this issue · 4 comments

eip: 1513
title: Refungible ERC721 Asset with Fungible ERC20
author: Tallyx Inc(@tallyxinc)
discussions-to: #1513
type: Standards Track
category: ERC
status: Draft
created: 2018-10-19
requires: 721, 20

Simple Summary

A standard interface for ReFungible Token definition, ERC721 Non-Fungible Asset token backed by ERC-20 Fungible tokens representing the transferable ownership of the Asset.


This is a standard for ReFungible Token definition, with the ERC721 representing the Non-Fungible Tokenized Assets such as the the assets in Global Trade(Payment Obligation, Invoice, Draft, Buyer Payment, Payment Finance, etc.), Insurance, Investment banking etc., backed by ERC-20 Fungible tokens representing the transferable ownership of the Asset. The ownership can be fully owned by one owner or split across multiple owners and the ownership can be transferred fully or partially to other owners. The transferred ownership could be further transferred fully or split across multiple tiers. The ERC20 token registry manages the ownership distribution and tracks the deep tier ownership transfer. The Asset(such as Buyer Payment or Payment Finance) has a time limit on the validity/maturity period, and a maturity event managed by a smart contract.

Existing standards such as ERC721 and ERC998 does not address the ownership management requirements.


The article on ReFungible Token is the concept this standard is based on, positioning for Global Trade and also extended it for Marketplace needs etc.

This EIP aims to provide a ReFungible token standard that allows multi-owner ownership of an Asset. The design permits the freedom of functional extending, for example using this standard as a storage for e-commerce items, auction or marketplace. Even storing of derivatives can be built on the top of this standard, removing the government approvals for such actions, you can store all accounting on the side-chain encapsulating private data and transfer to public chain only fact of the presence of one or another asset.

The requirement was to have a representation of a non-fungible asset with limited lifetime/maturity and the ownership split across multiple owners with the ability to transfer ownership fully or partially. The ERC998 provides a composability option but it does not suit this requirement.

Support for the brandable token by Corporates and Banks with custom searchable attributes, marketplace management for listing and processing tokens and visualization will be part of the standard. This will be built for B2B, B2C or Corporate Wallet integration and provide Smart Contract capability to initiate settlement upon Maturity for all the split ownership. The secure marketplace support with restricted scoping and visibility will be addressed.

The Tallyx Whitepapers provide additional information.


This standard outlines a smart contract interface which represents a set of Non-Fungible Assets and Fungible and for each in a separate contracts fungibility through the ERC20. Existing standards such as ERC721 cannot provide enough features and functionality for this. The Refungible standard allows to create an ERC20 Fungible Token with predefined token supply, that is the value of the associated Non-Fungible token.

The entry point to the pipeline is creating the Non-Fungible Token, whose value is represented by Fungible tokens with ERC-20, starts from the ‘createFT’ function. Under the hood ‘createFT’ creates a Fungible token with specified owner and supply and then establish Non-Fungible one, both tokens are linked between each other. By granting binding between NFT and FT we gain an opportunity to create a set of NFT’s, with different owners, the balance of Fungible Token for each holder in relative to NFT determines the measure of his ownership to the Non-Fungible asset.

Fungible token requires to have name, symbol, decimals, total supply, the address of ReFungible base contract, the address of the owner and Token ID of NFT. The fungible token has ERC20 compatible interface, that means we could create a mapping from the public to private net smart contract, keep private data encapsulated from public access on the side-chain, having confirmation that such smart contract exists and its value and transfer operation could be monitored on main Ethereum blockchain. Fungible tokens could be distributed over some addresses during one action with the use of ‘batchTransfer’ function, allowing the token owner to share his stake in a more elegant way. Inside Fungible Token there is a registry of token holders when you first receive tokens to your balance, you became token holder and as such gain ownership in proportion, on the stake of NFT.

NFT Token Standard

balanceOf(address _owner)

	Returns NFT Token balance of selected address(_owner), which means, 
	how many NFT tokens owner of address has on his balance.
	_owner - address

ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId)

	Returns owner address of selected NFT token (_tokenId).
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId)

	Approves to transfer selected NFT (_tokenId) by specific address (_to).
	_to - receiver address of transfer approve for selected NFT
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

getApproved(uint256 _tokenId)

	Returns address of approved for transfer address for selected NFT(_tokenId). 
	_tokenId - unique idenfier of NFT

setApprovalForAll(address _to,bool _approved)

	Approve/Disapprove(depends on _approved value) transfering of all caller's NFTs by 
	specific address (_to).
	_to - receiver of approvals for all NFT's owned by caller address

isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator)

	Checks if all NFT's of certain address(_owner) is approved to transfer by another address(_operator)
	_owner - address of NFT's owner
	_operator - receipient address of transfer rights

transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId)

	Transfer selected NFT (_tokenId) from owner (_from) to new owner(_to)
	_from - address of NFT's owner 
	_to - address of NFT receiver
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId)

	Safe implementation of transferFrom function, which additionally checks that NFT receiver 
	address is NFT compatible by calling method of Receipient contract address 
	and supplying sender address, previous owner of NFT, NFT id.

tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _index)

	Returns NFT id owned by the supplied address and index in the owner's NFT array.
	Index could be from 0 to n, where n is owner's balance of NFT's
	_owner - address of NFT's owner
	_index - index inside array of owner's NFT


	Returns total amount of NFT's presented in this NFT contract

tokenByIndex(uint256 _index)

	Returns NFT id from all NFT's array by using its index.
	_index - index inside array of all NFT

tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId)

	Get Uniform Resource Identifier of selected NFT 
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

FT Token Standard

function balanceOf(address _address)

	Returns fungible token balance of specific address


	Returns all supply of tokens that was initially created

transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount)

	Transfer specified amount of tokens from token holder to receipient, 
	could throw in case function caller has not enough tokens
	owner - holder of FT
	_to - new holder of FT
	_amount - amount of FT to be transfered

approve(address _operator,uint256 _amount)

	Allow _operator to withdraw from your account, multiple times, up to the _amount. 
	If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _value.

transferFrom(address _from,address _to,uint256 _amount)

	Transfer specified amount of tokens from token holder to receipient, 
	function caller address is approved address  
	_from - holder of FT's to transfer from
	_to - new holder of FT's to transfer to
	_amount - amount of FT's to be transfered

increaseAllowance(address _operator,uint256 _addedAmount)

	Increase amount of tokens allowed to be transfered for approved address from 
	balance of owner
	owner - caller address
	_operator - approved address
	_addedAmount - amount to be added to approved address allowance balance

decreaseAllowance(address _operator,uint256 _substractedAmount)

	Decrease amount of tokens allowed to be transfered for approved address 
	from balance of owner
	owner - caller address
	_operator - approved address
	_substractedAmount - amount to be substracted from approved address allowance balance

allowance(address _owner,address _operator)

	Returns amount of tokens allowed to be transfered for approved address from 
	balance of owner
	_owner - holder of FT's
	_operator - approved address

batchTransfer(address[] _receivers,uint256[] _values)

	Transfer specified token amounts from token holder to receipients
	_receivers - array of FT's receivers addresses
	_values - array of FT's amount

batchTransferFrom(address _from,address[] _receivers,uint256[] _values)

	Transfer specified token amounts from token holder to receipients
	_from - holder of NFT's
	_receivers - array of FT's receivers addresses
	_values - array of FT's amount


	Returns count of token holders

holderByIndex(uint256 _index)

	Returns address of token holder by index inside array of token holders
	_index - index inside array of token holders

holders(uint256 _from, uint256 _to)

	Returns token holders addresses and their balances in some range
	_from - start index inside array of token holders
	_to - end index inside array of token holders


	Returns address of NFT contract and NFT id that was generated for FT

Management Functions (functions applicable for NFT and FT Token Standards)

burn(address _owner, uint256 _tokenId)

	Burn NFT and delete FT data
	_owner - owner address of NFT to burn
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

mint(string _name,string _symbol,uint256 _decimals,address _tokenOwner,
uint256 _fungibleTokenSupply)

	Mint NFT token and create FT accordingly

createFT(string _name,string _symbol,uint256 _decimals,address _tokenOwner,
uint256 _fungibleTokenSupply,uint256 _tokenId)

	Creates FT with specified parameters

nftValue(uint256 _tokenId)

	Returns value of selected NFT
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

ftHolderBalance(uint256 _tokenId,address _holder)

	Returns FT token balance of specified NFT
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT
	_holder - holder address

ftHoldersBalances(uint256 _tokenId)

	Returns all FT token holders and their balances of specified NFT
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

ftHoldersCount(uint256 _tokenId)

	Returns FT token holders count of specified NFT
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT

ftAddress(uint256 _tokenId)

	Returns FT smart contract address of specified NFT
	_tokenId - unique identifier of NFT


The initial implementation of the standard is available in RFT Implementation.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

okwme commented

Hi all,
Just opened a request for comment on EIP 1633, Re-Fungible Token.
Would love your thoughts and feedback.

How can i get to know more about this and get your feedback on some modifications that i have been working on @tlxsam ?

There has been no activity on this issue for two months. It will be closed in a week if no further activity occurs. If you would like to move this EIP forward, please respond to any outstanding feedback or add a comment indicating that you have addressed all required feedback and are ready for a review.

This issue was closed due to inactivity. If you are still pursuing it, feel free to reopen it and respond to any feedback or request a review in a comment.