
Dark mode for eips webfront

g11tech opened this issue · 12 comments

Proposed Change

Add dark mode and enable switching between dark mode and normal mode on

+0. Would require JS.

Could be added to

+0. Would require JS.

A toggle button would, yes. I am also neutral about that.

I think we could at least support browser's native colour scheme with: prefers-color-scheme?

I think we could at least support browser's native colour scheme with: prefers-color-scheme?

should work

Could be added to

Already is :)


I think we could at least support browser's native colour scheme with: prefers-color-scheme?

+1 to supporting that.

I thought this would be as simple as adding the media-query and upgrading to bootstrap 5.3 (where they add colour scheme support), but it seems like there's some CSS compilation magic going on that makes it more difficult...

There is some CSS compilation magic done by Jekyll and its theme, yes.

Yet another reason to switch to vitepress, which is out of beta ;)

is there a reason we not using react etc? i can help with react and may be make eips more interactive - have few ideas

is there a reason we not using react etc?

@lightclient and I are firmly against any complex frontend JavaScript.

Speaking only for myself:

The EIPs website should be 80-90% functional with JavaScript completely disabled or when viewed in lynx or links.

Provided the rest of the site is still usable without JS, I'd be okay with, for example, a light/dark toggle, tooltips when hovering over links to EIPS, or a client-side search.

is there a reason we not using react etc? i can help with react and may be make eips more interactive - have few ideas

I've made (, is something like that what you're looking for?

is there a reason we not using react etc? i can help with react and may be make eips more interactive - have few ideas

I've made (, is something like that what you're looking for?

actually this looks amazing! ❤️