
Separate EIPs and ERCs

fulldecent opened this issue · 8 comments

Proposed Change

The file in this repo links to a closed PR and states that ERCs have been separated from EIPs.

In fact, the separation has only been started and more work remains to be done. This issue serves as a place to discuss and track the remaining project management work to do.

Work plan

  • Update to say that the separation is "in progress" and link to this issue instead of that merge request.
  • Clearly decide which ones are ERCs and getting migrated. This should not be difficult. But it is a check-offable thing.

Update other repo

  • Turn on GitHub Pages builds for the ERCs repository with the hostname
  • Link to this URL from the "repo info" for the ERCs repo, i.e. the notes on the right when you visit it on GitHub
  • Update use the GitHub Pages DNSI A records
  • Update the ERCs website / draft PR
    • New RSS feed
    • New webpage content

Update this repo

  • Remove ERCs
  • Update descriptions for EIP categories, now is the time, hasn't been done in 10 years
  • Update website to focus on just the EIPs
  • Update RSS feeds

Cross promote

  • Cross link both websites
  • Cross promote both RSS feeds to each other
  • Draft an announcement and recommend to the owner of the blog that they post it
  • Draft an announcement and recommend to the owner of the Ethereum X account that they post it

See also: prior discussion at: #7206

I can help with some of these things. But again. I need green lights and commitment to merge, from people with merge access, and a clear indication from them what are the hurdles achieve merge.

Yes we wanna do this direction! Item-wise, lets put it in EIPIP meeting and go through task lists to sanity check.

bit of a dup of ethereum/ERCs#8

ethereum/ERCs#8 discusses how individual authors can move their pull request to a new repo.

This issue is a separate concern of how to make the ERCs' project and community great like the EIPs' is.

If you're okay waiting an unspecified amount of time, I think most of these points are already taken care of in my working groups demo (preview).

There has been no activity on this issue for 1 week. It will be closed after 3 months of inactivity.