
`` is missing

pcppcp opened this issue · 3 comments

There's no in eth-typing==1.1.0 PyPi package. Therefore, all imports of this package from other libraries will fail.

I just checked the tar.gz from pypi and it does contain an

That's an odd coincidence: I had this bug yesterday, myself. I confirmed that the init file was missing in my venv site package. pip freeze said that eth-typing was at v1.1.0. But after an uninstall and install (via pip), everything was fine again. Still at v1.1.0, but the init file was present.

I wonder what's causing the file to disappear...

after reinstalling it with pip install --force eth-typing the file is where it should be. I can confirm it is also present in the tar package, and in sources.txt as well. Strange.