
Split Result Viewer Overview Status Column between Pass and Fail

holgerd77 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

I would be a big fan if we could split the status column on result overview pages (e.g. to two new columns "Pass" and "Fail", I think this would give a lot better overview. Are you open to this change? Then I would be motivated to submit a PR! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‹

I guess the current view of things was - once it was set up some time ago - created a bit with the assumption in mind that tests failing would rather be somewhat of an exception, seems to be more fitting to such a situation, but let's face it: this is rather the norm that not all tests of a suit pass. ๐Ÿ˜…

I think for test fixing, also for sorting, this would be a nicer UX, splitting would also mitigate on the ambiguity on things like if Fail (97 / 141) means 97 tests are failing or passing (I am always not sure ๐Ÿ˜‹).

When thinking about it: I would actually additionally make a third column Total and have this separated as well (this can then also hold the Timeout notice.


P.S.: Hi Mario, hope you are well back from interop! ๐Ÿ™‚

fjl commented

Indeed, the goal is for clients to pass all tests.

I don't want to add too many columns in the table. DataTables doesn't handle it super well on smaller screens. I guess we could add one more if absolutely necessary.

What I'm definitely open to is improving the textual status so it is more descriptive. We had another complaint in #565 about the pass/fail thing, but the suggestion there was kind of long-winded. I guess we could could use emoji or something.

Not convinced splitting the columns up will help with sorting. You can already kind of sort it now, but also, when would you sort by anything other than date or name? Most times it is interesting to see the latest results. I honestly think DataTables is the wrong tool for the index page. We just use it because it's easy.

fjl commented

Hope I didn't discourage you from making a PR. Definitely open to trying things out!

Ok, cool, thanks ๐Ÿ‘, I might experiment here a bit. I think we wouldn't loose any screen space with a one-column-more setup and very little with the two colums as proposed above, since things would split more cleanly.


โœ• Fail (1293 / 72060)

would split into:

Pass Fail Total
0 1293 72060

So eventually a bit more or rather very much the same - depending on how datatables handles this exactly - and I guess wouldn't hinder small screen size usage?

And the below really is a lot more of a one-spot-grasp?

The timeout word we can replace to writing the Total value in red and then place a little clock emoji, this should save space as well and everyone should still grasp what is going on.

But - again - no pressure, don't want to enforce anything. Not so heavy work changes anyhow, will eventually just test out, submit some example or something.

Maybe there is also someone reading along here with additional feedback.