
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 75 Agenda

timbeiko opened this issue · 11 comments

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 75 Agenda


  1. Istanbul Adoption and Call for Assistance
  2. Berlin updates
  3. Harmony/ethereumJ
  4. Testing updates
  5. Eligibility for Inclusion (EFI) EIP Review
  6. EIPIP (EIP Improvement Proposal) Meeting
  7. Review previous decisions made and action items
  8. Client Updates (only if they are posted in the comments below)
    a) Geth
    b) Parity Ethereum
    c) Aleth/eth
    d) Trinity/PyEVM
    e) EthereumJS
    f) EthereumJ/Harmony
    g) Besu
    h) Turbo Geth
    i) Nimbus
    m) Nethermind
  9. Research Updates (only if they are posted in the comments below)

Parity Ethereum has been updated to include the block height for Istanbul. Versions 2.5.10-stable and 2.6.5-beta include all Istanbul finalized and accepted EIPs and the block height for enacting the highly anticipated upgrade for all supported networks.

All node operators are highly recommended to update their nodes at their earliest convenience.

This release removes legacy aliases for the mainnet. If you specify --chain homestead, --chain frontier or --chain byzantium, this will need to be changed to one of: --chain eth, --chain ethereum, --chain foundation or --chain mainnet.

More information here:

With the new EIP driven process perhaps we should put a standard agenda item for "Draft EIPs review," probably late in the agenda.

On that note I'de like to have EIP-2348 Validated EVM Contracts added to the agenda in that spot to kick things off.

+ 1 to shemnon’s proposal.
The addition of a standard item to review EIPs applying for Eligibility for Inclusion.

If we get to many we can limit the available to slots. Ideally the earlier EIPs can request a slot the earlier important information can be circulated Among the core Devs.

Also, lets include ethereum/EIPs#2378

A proposal for tracking EIPS that are ELIGBILE for inclusion.

What do you think about including a public call for assistance reaching all of the members listed on ? @Souptacular

We can give a report on Istanbul Adoption as well.

I'd like to make an update about EthereumJ/Harmony status.

My comments on @shemnon 's proposal: ethereum/EIPs#2348 (comment) . If we're trying for EIP-centric, I'm going to try to be a lot more prone to reject suggestions unless they can be proven sustainable (and net benefit).

I'd like to discuss "renaming opcodes for clarity"

gumb0 commented

Aleth 1.7.0 is released, including Istanbul support and mainnet fork block.

In other news, testeth tool now supports generating tests with a string like Istanbul+EIP_NUMBER instead of a fork name. This could be useful in EIP-centric process, if anyone would look into prototyping EIPs in aleth. Details in ethereum/aleth#5741 (comment)

Just posting here post-call for awareness, we just released EthereumJS VM v4.1.1. This is the first release with stable Istanbul support passing all state and blockchain tests from the official test suite. An upgrade from v4.1.0 (introduced beta support for Istanbul) is highly recommended.

Closing in favor of #140.