
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 77 Agenda

timbeiko opened this issue · 9 comments

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 77 Agenda


  1. Istanbul updates, if any
  2. Muir Glacier Updates
  3. Testing updates
  4. Eligibility for Inclusion (EFI) EIP Review
  5. EIPIP (EIP Improvement Proposal) Meeting
  6. Review previous decisions made and action items
  7. Next call

EIP 1559

As part of process for transition to the new EIP centric model. I propose that Progpow already is in a state of Elligible for Inclusion because of previous ACD decisions, but we still need to mark it in the meeting notes as part of processes for governing the list of EFI EIPs. So we should add Progpow to the list of EFIs.

Prior to the call latest progress report on EIP1962. As it happened gas schedule is 80% of work and implementation of crypto is trivial compared to it.

EIP 1559

We would like to discuss the implementation we have put together for EIP1559 here

@shamatar will you be on the call to discuss?

Yes, I’ll. Was busy with academic side for the last months, but now back on track

Cool. Added 1962 to the agenda :-)

Short note: EthereumJS VM v4.1.2 with MuirGlacier support has been released now.

Closed in favor of #147